Three years old! Holy Cow, we're in real trouble. For your birthday you've given yourself the gift of friendship, an imaginary friend named Honkatolo. He showed up quite suddenly. We’re a little sketchy on his
history though sometimes you say he is your friend Dagny’s Grandpa.
Honkatolo typically arrives when you are looking to crack into a conversation. You see, it’s tough for a little guy to get a word in edgewise when a big brother hogs all the airtime. Many a brotherly scuffle arises over perceived control of the mic. Here’s a typical situation where Honkatolo makes an appearance:
Honkatolo typically arrives when you are looking to crack into a conversation. You see, it’s tough for a little guy to get a word in edgewise when a big brother hogs all the airtime. Many a brotherly scuffle arises over perceived control of the mic. Here’s a typical situation where Honkatolo makes an appearance:
Luke: “... and then I kicked the ball into the goal, mommy!”
Cash: “I want to play soccer and …”
Cash: “I want to play soccer and …”
Dad: “Luke sure did. I was amazed how quickly he exploded towards the goal.”
Cash: “Hey, can …”
Luke: “And I got an ice cream afterwards! I got the one with bubble gum at the bottom!”
Mom: “A nicely ruined lunch, dad.”
Cash: “I want an ice …”
Luke: “My hands are still sticky! Can I have a wipe?”
Cash: “Honkatolo always scores lots goals and get’s lots of
ice cream!”
Dad: “Who?”
Dad: “Who?”
So, you’ve discovered that an imaginary
friend is a useful tool to garner attention, particularly one with otherworldly mental and physical gifts. Honkatolo is a superhuman. Imaginary or not, his accomplishments leave me a tad jealous:
- Honkatolo mostly lives “on the same planet you fly to for work.”
- But sometimes “lives across the street from Dagny.”
- “Honkatolo is better than you at hiding in snow.”
- He is a “wonderful scuba diver.”
- Honkatolo “never gets a stuffy nose. Ever.”
- “He takes so much pictures that he never goes to sleep.”
- “Honkatolo is a little bit tall.”
- “Honkatolo broke your sunglasses.”
- Honkatolo has “this much dollars [holding nine fingers] on his planet.”
- He “races all of his robots and always wins.”
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